Saturday, July 2, 2016


It's been raining all day. While it's not the best traveling weather for all those who came to remember my husband, it was perfectly fitting for the day of his memorial service. I was amazed at how many people showed up. Some people drove several hours to be here, some of them we haven't heard from outside of Facebook in years. The minister called me last night to ask if we wanted any special music (hadn't given it a thought) and if anyone wanted to say a few words (no one had said anything to me about it). I called my stepdaughter and let her pick out a few songs and texted one my husband's friends to see if he wanted to speak. I think he would have been really surprised at how many people showed up.

My stepdaughter also picked out a few pictures that were printed out and posted on a bulletin board. I took Bugalug and we looked at pictures and she started to cry a little. She's been holding back tears, but they show up once in a while anyway. I think one day the floodgates will just open, probably out of the blue. She really didn't want to be there. I told her it was important, but I did let her leave with Big sis right after while I stayed until everyone else had gone. It all still seems so unreal.

Bugalug decided to take a nap, and Big sis decided to go ahead and head out for the evening, so it's rather quiet around here right now. I should probably get some work done, but I'm watching TV instead.

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